I'm a physicist, fascinated by the lessons Nature can teach us. My research aims at describing the fluid mechanics of natural or nature-inspired phenomena.
I am maîtresse de conférence (assistant professor) at Sorbonne Université, at the Institut Jean Le Rond ∂'Alembert, in Paris. I focus on the collective swimming of micro-organisms, using soft matter techniques. I teach for the department of Mechanics, for all levels from L1 to M2.
Before, I did a postdoc in the group of Christophe Eloy, at IRPHE in Marseille, France (2020/2021). I launched turbulent experiments with small crustaceans!
I discovered the world of bio-fluids as research associate in the group of Ray Goldstein in Cambridge, UK (2017/2020). I was also affiliated to Queens' college, where I was convenor for the postdoctoral research associates.
I did my PhD in the group of David Quéré and Christophe Clanet at ESPCI and Ecole polytechnique in Paris, France (2013/2016). I exploited various textures to play with the wetting of air bubbles, droplets friction and the propulsion of small objects.
I graduated from the Ecole polytechnique (Palaiseau, France) and the Imperial College London (UK) in Materials Science.
Institut Jean Le Rond ∂'Alembert
Bureau 518, tour 55-65
4 place Jussieu
75005 Paris
Follow me @HdeMaleprade
I play squash and cello, I love travelling and hiking, I'm always keen on good books. I feel concerned by ecology and I am happier with good weather...
I sew and crochet, I enjoy art exhibitions and cultural activities, I listen to classical music and brew my own beer. I am always keen for a chat with good food and beverages.